The first week of Advent focuses on the hope of Christ.
The hope that Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection provides for those who believe He is the bridge to a free and close relationship with God has no comparison. Christians talk about the hope that Christ provides, yet do we really live like Jesus is our hope?
Do we live like Jesus is our help, provider of strength, powerful changer of outcomes, and giver of eternal life?
This past year, there have been times when I was overcome with fear and the whisper of God to my soul has been, “Do you not think I am big enough for this? Do you not think I go before you?” And as I have held on to the truth of who Christ is and what hope He provides I have found peace to follow when I do not understand and cannot see the road ahead.
It is easy to be overcome with fear and loneliness. Though the Bible clearly states those feelings are not from God, our humanity clings to them as a first response (2 Tim 1:7, Deut. 31:6). So as Christians, are we allowing the truth of Christ to defeat the lies that take our eyes off the hope of Christ?
As you walking through the next week, I encourage you to reflect on Christ as your hope and ask yourself if you really live like He is your hope.
For fun and to help your reflection, listen to the Christmas song God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. As you reflect on the lyrics ask the following questions.
In the Christmas song God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen, the writer says let nothing you dismay because of the birth of Christ. Do we live like Jesus is our hope that vanquishes our daily dismay?
The song goes on to talk about the news the angels brought to the shepherds and how it was full of comfort and joy. Are we actively trying to hear from the Lord? And how are we allowing the news and revelation of Christ’s birth to bring us comfort and joy?
In the third verse, hearing the news moved the shepherds to find Jesus. How are we actively seeking Jesus to fill our longing for comfort and joy?
To end the song the writer tells all to praise God because he is worthy of it. Do you believe Jesus is worthy of your praise? If so, how are you currently praising him? Pick one way this week to meditate on the hope of Christ as we move toward Christmas.