Let's do this again

Let’s do this again!

This past Sunday as I was standing by the door as a young lady was leaving and I noticed tears welling up in her eyes. She looked at me and quietly said, “I’ve needed this so much.”

What do you think she meant by “this?” Was she referring to the free coffee?

Although she didn’t articulate it, I believe she meant she needed the sense of community, the belonging, the life-giving worship, and the moving of God’s Spirit upon her life. The things that happen on Sunday that are intangible.

You know…

Sunday’s happen with precise regularity. Every seven days we run through a similar routine that goes something like this:

  • We unload the trailers.
  • We set up the worship area.
  • We prep the kids space.
  • We sound check.
  • We sing together.
  • The message is preached.
  • We give.
  • We serve.
  • We tear down.

And seven days later, we do it all over again.

Sunday’s may be routine, but there’s nothing routine about worship!

Sunday's may be routine, but there's nothing routine about worship! Share on X

Every Sunday is an opportunity for someone’s life to be changed. It’s an opportunity for someone to find forgiveness, experience God move in their life, or simply be encouraged to keep going.

Sunday’s may feel common, but there’s nothing common about worship!

Sunday's may feel common, but there's nothing common about worship! Share on X


Let’s do this again!

Let’s Gather for Worship Again!

Let’s gather together again next Sunday with hopeful expectation that God will work in people’s lives again. Let’s do all that we can do, then let’s get out of the way allowing God to do all that He can do.

There’s nothing common or routine about worship. This Sunday will be a new expression of our thanks to God for what He has done in our lives through Jesus Christ.

Let’s Grow in Ministry Again!

Ministry is a churchy word for serving. To minister is to serve.

Let’s grow in our serving of one another and the people God places around us. Serving is not disconnected from worship. Serving is a form of worship.

Serving is not disconnected from worship. Serving is a form of worship. Share on X

Let’s Go on Mission Again!

The Church has been given the great co-mission to make disciples of all nations. We must remember that we are not only called to gather and sit, we are called to scatter and go!

That’s why we serve our community. That’s why we’re promoting Halloween Hangouts. That’s why we encourage you to BE the church wherever you go.

The Church doesn’t have a mission. The Church IS the mission. We are sent into the world to be the body of Christ, a light in the darkness, a city on a hill.



Let’s do this again!

And again.

And again.

Until Christ calls us home and says the words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”