The Bible is an incredible book, and that’s a big understatement.
It’s beyond incredible. It’s powerful, living, active, sharp, useful, inspired, perfect, holy, constant, and pure. Should I continue? Ok!
- The Bible is the very word of God. His letter to us for abundant life and eternal life. (1 Peter 2:2)
- The Bible reveals who God is, His nature, and His character. (Psalm 119:130)
- The Bible challenges, convicts, and commands our total surrender to Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- The Bible illuminates our way. (Psalm 119:105)
- The Bible stands the test of time which means it will never be outdated. (Isaiah 40:8)
If all of these things are true about the Word of God, then why don’t we spend more time in His Word?
If all of these things are true about the Word of God, then why don't we spend more time in His Word? Share on XWe make plenty of excuses, and the two biggest ones are:
- “I don’t have time.” – It’s not a time issue, it’s a priority issue. We make time for the things that matter to us.
- “I don’t understand it.” – That’s where the journey begins. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you personally, and ask Him to place a person in your life who can disciple you.
This matters.
At Antioch, we believe real life change happens when we live by God’s Word. We want to help you take the next step in discovering the reality of Psalm 1:2, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”
Maybe you want to dig in to God’s Word, but you aren’t sure how. A great starting place is to P.R.A.Y. through God’s Word. Here’s what we mean.
P – Prepare your heart.
Sometimes, I’m guilty of just diving into a Bible reading for the day so I can check it off my “to do” list. There’s not much thought going into the time with God, and not much through coming out of it either.
A better way is to prepare your heart through a moment of prayer, asking God to speak to you today through His Word.
R – Read
It’s tempting to just toss open your Bible and randomly read a passage wherever it lands. That’s like eating a bread crumb here and there hoping it will sustain you.
The Bible is not a random set of unrelated puzzle pieces; it’s a collection of stories that make up one big story! It’s a connected masterpiece from beginning to end.
Have a game plan for your Bible reading. You can find some great Bible reading plans using the YouVersion App.
A – Apply
The goal of reading God’s Word isn’t for information, but rather transformation. James strongly instructs us to “not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22
After spending time in God’s Word, we should reflect on what we have read and ask ourselves a few questions like:
- What do these verses teach me about God?
- What promise do I need to hold on to today?
- What action should I start or stop in my life?
- What encouragement or instruction is God showing me?
Y – Yield
We’ll never fully experience the transforming power of God’s Word unless we fully yield ourselves to it’s Truth.
Following Christ requires daily surrender, but we don’t have to do this on our own power. God sends the Holy Spirit to empower and equip us to do what He is calling us to do. We only have to yield to His work in our lives.
“Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” 1 Peter 2:2