Have you ever made a decision that seemed like a great idea in the moment, but afterwards you wondered, “What was I thinking?”
Like the time you signed up to chaperone the youth lock-in. Or the time you volunteered to make 200 cookies for the the PTA. Or the time you agreed to coach Little League Baseball without knowing the difference between a right and left-handed bat!
Yep. We’ve all done it (or something similar)!
The sinking feeling in your stomach whispers, “I’m not so sure about this!” In that moment you have to decide who you’re going to listen to. Will you listen to the fear, anxiety, and regret? Or will you push forward, persevere, and decide to never give up?
Just a few moments ago our church officially closed on a piece of property in southeast Georgetown! (Celebration coming soon.)
We are thankful to God for His provision and we are excited about the future He has in store for us. We are blessed to be part of a faith community that isn’t afraid to step out of the box to reach people far from God.
But to be honest, there’s a tiny portion deep down in my gut (weigh down deep) that wonders, “What were we thinking!”
So, I figured I’d write down exactly what I believe we—as a church—were thinking when we decided to purchase land.
1. We were thinking, God’s can do far more abundantly.
“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly, beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us.” Ephesians 3:20
When God exceeds our expectations, we can’t help but humble ourselves before Him to celebrate what He does. God can take five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a hungry crowd. He can allow the people of Israel to wonder in the wilderness for 40 years wearing the same pair of sandals on their feet.
And He still does more.
Ask me two years ago if I thought we’d be buying land today. I would have said, “It would take a miracle.” The real question is, “What is God still wanting to do in and through us in the next two years?”
2. We were thinking, God’s not done yet.
Anyone on any given Sunday can share a testimony of how God is at work in the life of our church. People are sharing stories of how Christ is moving through the dynamic worship, the challenging teaching, and the intentional community.
But we don’t think God is done yet. We believe He wants to continue to use Antioch to make a difference in Georgetown, Williamson County and ultimately, the entire world.
We have to remember it’s not a sprint, but a marathon.
3. We were thinking, greater is He.
“Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4b
Whether it’s purchasing property, serving our city, loving our neighbors, or working the daily grind, we do it all for His glory. As the Bible reminds us, unless the Lord build His house, we labor in vain.
So let’s move forward together, not for progress’ sake, but for the Kingdom’s sake.
Remember: The biggest step of faith is not the one you’ve already taken, but the one that comes next.
The biggest step of faith is not the one you've already taken, but the one that comes next. Share on X