Connect the Dots | DEC WK 1

The best gift we can ever receive is our salvation! To explore how valuable this gift truly is, this holiday season, we’ll spend four weeks unwrapping four names of Jesus!! Last year we explored Jesus as Messiah, Lord of Lords, and Immanuel. This year we’re unwrapping Jesus being the Light of the World, the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace, and the Good Shepherd. Reminder, there will be a special performance on Sunday, December 8 following each service!

When Jesus was born as a baby, He brought light into a VERY dark world. Jesus was God’s plan to save the world from the darkness of sin. The Bible tells us that when Jesus grew up he said: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

It’s easy to see Christmas lights up this time of year! As we follow Jesus, how can the world see His light shining in our lives?

Turn off the lights and then light a candle or turn on a flashlight. How does the light change the darkness?

Using the Bible concordance, look up different verses that mention light. Consider reading by candle or flashlight.

Try playing flashlight hide-n-seek in the backyard after sunset.

Is there a neighbor or friend with whom your family can share the light of Jesus?