Series Overview
We are kicking off our new year diving into the FRUIT of the SPIRIT: The amazing gift from God to show people what His love looks like. Our goal with this series is to help our kids observe and recognize when they see the fruit being displayed in their daily lives. This week we learned more about Patience!
Lesson Overview
“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.” John 15:5
What a beautiful picture of the Trinity: Jesus perfectly embodied every aspect of the fruit outlined in Galatians 5. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God plants the seeds of this fruit in our hearts. By staying connected to Jesus, the Holy Spirit is able to grow abundant fruit in us! Then we can display God’s love to others!
Words to discover together: Hebrew: Arek Appayim (uh-wreck, uh’pay’im) Greek: Makrothumia(Mack-row-thoo’-me-uh)
Since God is always patient with us, how can that help us be patient?
As a family, make a yummy dessert, but no one can eat it until the next day! Practicing patience!
Write down things your family has prayed for and had to wait to see the answer!
Did God answer the way you hoped or expected? Was it hard to wait?