Series Overview
We are kicking off our new year diving into the FRUIT of the SPIRIT: The amazing gift from God to show people what His love looks like. Our goal with this series is to help our kids observe and recognize when they see the fruit being displayed in their daily lives.
Lesson Overview
Psalm 16:11 says: “You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant JOY; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.” Abundant means MORE THAN ENOUGH! Simply being in the presence of God brings more than enough JOY into our lives! Through the Holy Spirit, God’s JOY can grow in us no matter what we face! What a beautiful picture of hope and blessing in a world that so often does not bring joy!
Are joy and happiness the same? Different? How?
Choose a game or activity (charades, building blocks, etc.) for an evening of JOY filled family fun!
What might joy look like when things are hard or sad?
Make a joy jar or journal. Allow everyone to add things God has given that bring joy!