Series Overview
We are kicking off our new year diving into the FRUIT of the SPIRIT: The amazing gift from God to show people what His love looks like. Our goal with this series is to help our kids observe and recognize when they see the fruit being displayed in their daily lives.
Lesson Overview
Earlier this month, we looked at John 14:26 and this week the kids talked more about verse 27 as they dove into God’s peace! Reading these verses together gives more weight to Jesus’ words in each…
Just like John 14 tells us, God’s peace is very different from the peace we can find in the world! God’s peace does not mean the world is always calm and comforting. God’s peace means WE can be calm and comforted even when the world is not!
Everyone draw a picture of what peace looks like to them.
What might peace look like amidst chaos around us?
Play freeze dance! Start music and when it stops, everyone freezes in the position they are in!
Go on a walk and see what examples you can find in nature of peace amidst chaos!