Series Overview
We don’t sing to remind God who He is…He already knows. We sing to remind ourselves who God is…what He has done…and what He will do! This month we are learning about four Songs of Gratitude recorded in scripture! And as a special project this month, we’re learning The Doxology with motions! There will be a special performance on Sunday, December 8 following each service!
Lesson Overview
Scripture tells us the account of King David and his plan to build a temple to honor God! Despite this, God said no. God’s plan was to have David’s son, Solomon, build the temple. Even after King David the plans, supplies, and a heart to honor God with the temple–God had a different plan. As he handed it all over to Solomon, King David praised God for all of it because all our plans, riches, and talents belong to God anyway. God gives them to us and our job is to give them back to God!!
Create a temple by building a for or using blocks!
Read or retell the account of David and the temple from 1 Chronicles 28 & 29.
Discuss making plans for a gift for someone; then being told the gift would come from someone else.
What is most important: That the person receive the gift or that you be the giver?