Connect the Dots | NOV WK 4

We don’t sing to remind God who He is…He already knows. We sing to remind ourselves who God iswhat He has doneand what He will do! This month we are learning about four Songs of Gratitude recorded in scripture! And as a special project this month, we’re learning The Doxology with motions! There will be a special performance on Sunday, December 8 following each service!

After being visited by the angel and told of the baby she would carry, Mary visits Elizabeth. Her arrival causes the baby in Elizabeth’s womb to jump! It’s this encounter that prompts Mary’s beautiful praise to God! The Christmas story focuses on Jesus birth. We know the miracle begins long before that night! Mary’s song of gratitude shows how much she understood the magnitude of who God is, what He had done, and what He would do!

Using a magnifying glass explore what the lens does to item you view.

Based on these observations, discuss Mary saying her soul magnifies the Lord!

Review Luke 1:39-55. Make note of the different ways Mary describes God.

Choose a hymn to sing or listen to each day this week!