Hope for the Journey Simulcast
Hosted by: Antioch Georgetown
May 1, 2021 | 8am-5:45pm
Hope for the Journey Conference is a one-day event presented by Show Hope and the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development.
The adoption journey does not end on the day a child is welcomed home; in fact, the journey is just beginning. Children impacted by adoption and/or foster care have often experienced early attachment injuries related to loss, abuse, trauma, and/or neglect. There is hope and help, though. Whether you are in the adoption process, have welcomed a child home through adoption, or are loving and serving well children through foster care, you are not alone.
Structurally, the Hope for the Journey Conference will include five high-level learning modules based on the foundational principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) along with a new teaching component, The Gospel + TBRI. Embedded within each learning module will be a “Going Deeper” teaching video on a select topic, and also included will be two practical, encouraging “Practical Perspectives” videos featuring the voices of adult adoptees as well as adoptive and foster families.
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*For questions regarding Hope for the Journey, visit the website showhope.org/our-work/pre-post-adoption-support/hope-for-the-journey/.
**For questions regarding the simulcast event in Georgetown, TX please email Jenny at jenny@antiochgt.com.