end of the rope

Know Your Worth

Do you struggle with worry? You’re not alone. Pastor Andy teaches on what the Bible says about dealing with worry.

end of the rope

Margin with Money

What does margin in our money have to do with our peace in life? Pastor Stephen teaches on what God’s Word says about the topic of money.

end of the rope

Finding Forgiveness

We often find ourselves at the end of our rope in a relationship. It may seem natural to simply give up on the relationship, but Jesus offers a different perspective. Pastor Andy teaches on finding forgiveness from Matthew 18.

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Rest is Good

Does it really matter how we spend our time? Is Rest really that big of a deal? If you’ve ever made the comment, “I wish I had more time,” then this message is for you. Pastor Andy teaches on what the 4th Commandment has to say about how we spend our time.

end of the rope

Dealing with Distractions

Do you ever feel like you’re at the end of your rope? What does that mean about you and your life? Pastor Andy talks about what Jesus says about life at the end of the rope. He also talks about the one decision we must all make for things to change.