Can you believe it’s already November?!
The football season is half way over, flu season is in full swing, hunting season is finally here, and thanksgiving season is definitely in the air.
Isn’t it funny how we tend to be more thankful this time of year. Sure, on the one hand, we should be thankful every day of the year. The Scripture is pretty clear on the matter. “Be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
But on the other hand, I think it’s healthy to have a time of year when we are extra dialed in to the things we are thankful for. When we’re thankful our perspective changes. We’re not focused on our temporary circumstances, but the eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ. We’re not focused down-ward on our specific situation, but rather our eyes look upward to the Lord who is in control.
Being thankful changes your perspective.
Being thankful changes your perspective. Share on XIn fact, I just asked my three daughters what they are thankful for. I didn’t coerce them or coach them. I was looking for their honest, childlike answers. Here’s what they said!
Aly Mac (9) – “I’m thankful for food, my family, and my bed.”
Molly (6) – “I’m thankful for family, home, and friends.”
Charly (4)- “God. Jesus. You.” (The perfect preacher’s kid answer!)
What are you thankful for?
So let me ask you! What are you thankful for?
Let me encourage you to start making a list this season. Think about all the ways God has blessed you, and thank Him! Comment your answer below! We’d love to hear and read stories of what God is doing in your life.
After all…
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” James 1:17