powerful passages on the resurrection

Five Powerful Passages on the Resurrection

God’s Word is full of powerful passages on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, all four gospel accounts of Jesus’ life include detailed perspectives on the events surrounding Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

But the gospels aren’t the only place to read about the most significant event in human history. Since the resurrection is the centerpiece of Christianity, it’s referred to, spoken of, and taught on countless times throughout the New Testament.

As we prepare to celebrate Easter this weekend, take a few minutes to reflect on these five powerful passages on the resurrection.

Acts 2:29-36

In this passage, Luke reminds the reader that King David died, was buried, and his tomb is still exist. Then he shows that King Jesus truly is the Messiah because Jesus’ tomb is empty!

1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Paul communicates the gospel in its simplest form–Jesus died; was buried; and rose again. Then, Paul shares about the many who were witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection. There weren’t just a small few. Hundreds saw Jesus after the resurrection!

1 Corinthians 15:12-19

This one’s a personal favorite. Paul basically explain that if Jesus is not raised from the dead, then Christians should be pitied. Our hope of eternal life hinges on the truth that Jesus conquered death and is alive today!

Philippians 3:7-11

Here, Paul argues that the reality of Jesus’ resurrection has a personal influence on our daily living. If Jesus has the power to rise from death, then our goal in life should be to pursue Him and the power of His resurrection!

Romans 8:11

By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Guess who dwells in the lives of those who profess Jesus as Lord? Yep! The Holy Spirit! The same power who raised Jesus from the grave dwells inside believers. That means we can live empowered and victorious.

Want to go deeper? Check out this previous Easter sermon series!

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