Series Overview
The best gift we can ever receive is our salvation! To explore how valuable this gift truly is, this holiday season, we’ll spend four weeks unwrapping four names of Jesus!! Last year, we explored Jesus as Messiah, Lord of Lords, and Immanuel. This year, we’re unwrapping Jesus being the Light of the World, the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace, and the Good Shepherd.
Lesson Overview
When we read about Jesus’ birth, the shepherds are told about it first. This was not a prestigious job. It was one that took great care, devotion, & protection. Jesus says with his own words that He is the Good Shepherd. Jesus came not for royalty orthe elite but for everyone whowould humble themselves andrecognize their need for Him. As a Good Shepherd, He knows each of us and willingly endured the cross on our behalf.
Look up the Go Fish song “It’s About the Cross” and discuss the lyrics.
Have everyone choose an activity to do, then listen to songs that praise God for the gift of Jesus!
Go to: and this Spotify playlist too!
Read John 10:11-14. Then play Sheep- Hide-n-Seek remembering that our Good Shepherd knows our every step and hiding place.