Difference Maker – Start with Conviction [Devotionals]

Here’s a five-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on Andy’s sermon.

Day 1: Conviction and Calling

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 1:1-11

Devotional: Nehemiah’s heart was broken for Jerusalem. His conviction led him to prayer and then to action. Today, reflect on what breaks your heart in our community and world. Ask God to give you a deep sense of conviction for what should be, but isn’t. Pray for the courage to take action, even if it’s just a small step. Remember, great change often starts with a single person’s conviction.

Day 2: From Spectating to Doing

Bible Reading: James 1:22-25

Devotional: We live in a culture of spectators, but God calls us to be doers. James reminds us that merely listening to the Word without putting it into practice is self-deception. Today, challenge yourself to move beyond passive observation. Identify one area where you’ve been a spectator in your faith journey. How can you become an active participant? Ask God for the strength to step out in faith and make the difference God is calling you to make.

Day 3: Grieving the Gap

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 7:2-11

Devotional: Nehemiah’s grief over Jerusalem’s condition was a catalyst for change. In our lives, grief can serve a purpose beyond mere sorrow. It can motivate us to action and draw us closer to God’s heart. Reflect on a situation that causes you grief. How might God be using that pain to move you towards God? Pray for God’s guidance in transforming your sorrow into purposeful change.

Day 4: Owning the Gap

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:9-10

Devotional: When God calls us, it’s easy to be like Moses and feel completely inadequate to the calling. It’s easy to think that “someone else will handle it” or “God probably has someone much more qualified that me”—but God didn’t call them, He called you. God is pleased when He works through the weak, the small, and those you wouldn’t expect because that’s when He gets the glory!

Day 5: Stepping Into the Gap

Bible Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

Devotional: When God asked, “Who will I send? Who will go for us?”, Isaiah responded, “Here am I. Send me!” Similarly, Nehemiah stepped up when the opportunity arose. God is still asking this question today. What gaps in your sphere of influence is God calling you to fill? (If you read this, let Pastor Stephen know.) It might be in your family, workplace, or community. Pray for the courage to say “Send me” and the wisdom to know where and how to serve. Remember, God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called.