The world is changing. To be honest, it’s hard to keep up with. It seems like every week there’s a new issue, topic, or debate to engage in, and it feels like you have to be an expert on every latest fad, political move, social …
Two Undeniable Reasons People Attend Church
When you walk into a home improvement store, what are you hoping to find? Most likely there’s a product you’re searching for. You may need to pick up a new light fixture or browse new power tools, but in the end, you’re looking for a …
Don’t Live Distracted (Part 2)
Yes, we are living in a distracted world. It’s not a new problem, but rather something that’s been around since the beginning of time. Distractions aren’t going away. In fact, they’re increasing and intensifying. Paul warned young Timothy about the dangers of distractions and what …
The First Sermon Jesus Preached
Jesus doesn’t see the crowd. He sees every face and He knows every name. He knows exactly what each person’s struggle is. He knows their insecurities and fears. He sees the scars, the hurt, and the pain. He knows their hearts.
Where do we put our hope?
A mother stood over her son’s lifeless body. He was murdered. His life cut short unjustly, but not by a stranger. He was attacked by his own brother. The mother wept.
What Jesus’ mission reveals about your significance.
How do you measure significance? How do you calculate the true value someone or something has in your life? It’s simple. True significance is measured by how you respond when the person or thing is lost. Think about it. When your sock is lost, more …
The Cost of Following Jesus
We don’t often think about the cost of following Jesus. After all, the Bible is pretty clear that salvation is a free gift offered to everyone (John 3:16; Romans 6:23) and anyone who calls on the name of Jesus for salvation will be saved (Romans …
Start Somewhere
“Red and green and blue and yellow and purple and red and purple.” That’s my three-year-old son’s standard answer to “What’s your favorite color?” While that’s pretty funny, I can totally identify with him. If you were to ask me “What’s your favorite book of …
How did Jesus define greatness?
How would Jesus define greatness? Who would you say is the greatest person who ever lived? Would you mention a national hero like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln? Would you say a great inventor like Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin? Perhaps you would suggest someone …