Balancing Your Life and the Fuzziness of Priorities

Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on YouTube! 455 days to be exact. No, I didn’t join the circus, and I wasn’t stranded on a desert island. Things just got busy at home and around the church and something had to give—and that …

What happens when you worry?

“Do not worry about your life.” Do you know who said those words? It wasn’t Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Plato, or Socrates. It was Jesus. God himself tells us not to worry. It’s one thing when your parent, your friend, or your coworker tells you not …

sermon on money

Is Money your Master?

Have you ever made a dumb decision with money? I thought so. Me, too. The crazy thing is this: I will go out of my way to pick up a dime on a sticky floor, but I don’t think twice about blowing $10 on a …

which cross are you

Which cross do you carry?

This Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, and because of the resurrection we have hope, peace,  joy, and life.   However, without the death of Jesus there is no resurrection of Jesus. Without the cross there is no empty tomb! Jesus hung on a very real cross and …

Be Thankful

Can you believe it’s already November?! The football season is half way over, flu season is in full swing, hunting season is finally here, and thanksgiving season is definitely in the air. Isn’t it funny how we tend to be more thankful this time of …

Names of God

A name can both define and describe something or someone. We can know who God is, His character, and His nature simply by knowing His name. The more we study and speak the names of God, the more in awe of Him we become which ultimately …

joy peace Georgetown

2 Lies about Joy and Peace

by Andy Comer   Do you want more joy and peace in your life? Who doesn’t, right? I’ve never heard anyone say, “You know, I could use a little less joy,” or “I’ll pass on this whole peace stuff.” No. We long for joy and …

turn off the dark

Turning Off the Dark

by Andy Comer   Recently, my three-year-old daughter wanted to play with a certain toy, but her hesitance to retrieve it left me puzzled. I didn’t understand why she was unwilling to walk into her dark room to get what she desired. Nervously gathering her …