Erin and I have a knack for killing plants. We always start off with great intentions, but for some reason by the time mid-July hits, our flowers are usually long gone. I remember one spring, several years ago, we planted some flowers in the …
What Happens When You Wait?
Usually, when I find myself waiting it appears as though nothing is happening. When you’re waiting on the stoplight, you’re not driving. When you’re waiting on the kids, you’re not leaving. When you’re waiting on the food, you’re not eating. Sure, these common every day waiting …
3 Things I Learned My First Week in Georgetown
by Andy Comer It’s hard to believe that it’s been one week in our new hometown. For the last several months we have seen God work in some incredible ways, and He hasn’t let up yet! It seems like every day we are hearing …
My Journey to Georgetown – Dana Baker
I distinctively remember the night my husband told me that he had an overwhelming feeling that we were meant to go to Texas. I remember thinking he was crazy! I told my friends at work and my family that he was crazy! I think my …
My Journey to Georgetown – Devin Baker
Our journey to Georgetown began two years ago, really from the time we joined Antioch Conway. We talked to Jason Aultman, Antioch’s pastor, about church membership, and he told us that we would need to take Antioch 101, so we attended the next class, which …
My Journey to Georgetown – Alex Stringer
My name is Alex Stringer, and my family and I have been at Antioch Conway since I was a little girl. After graduating from the University of Arkansas with a degree in biology, I moved back home and made plans to go to school at …
What Difference Can A Dollar Make?
A few weeks ago, someone handed my youngest daughter, Charly, a one dollar bill. Because she couldn’t eat it, drink it, play with it, or pet it, that dollar bill meant nothing to her. Since we didn’t feel comfortable spending the buck, Erin suggested we …
What Waiting Looks Like in Every Day Life
by Candice Abla Think back to high school for just a moment. For some this is not that far back, and for others it may be a stretch. Close your eyes and remember what is was like on game night. You’re huddled with your teammates, …
Trip Highlights Worth Celebrating!
by Andy Comer Over the last 2 years, Erin and I have made nearly a dozen trips to Georgetown, TX. It’s hard to believe last week’s trip was the final trip before we officially move to Georgetown. Many from our launch team took the …
My Journey to Georgetown – Hanna Schulz
by Hanna Schulz My journey to Georgetown, Texas has been made up of many small moments that were, at the time unknowingly, leading me toward this path. Andy and Erin Comer have always been a big part of my life, starting out as my …
We’re Really Wrestling With These 4 Questions
by Andy Comer Over the last 18 months there have been hundreds of questions running through my mind, and I’m not exaggerating. When you have the opportunity to start a church from scratch, you evaluate everything. We’ve asked questions about everything from kids ministry to senior …
What does it mean to be on the “Launch Team?”
by Andy Comer When I first moved to Conway, AR to join Antioch Baptist Church, Pastor Jason Aultman asked me, “How many people would you want to be on the Launch Team?” It didn’t take me long to answer, “20!” For the next few seconds …
Missionaries Do These 3 Things
by Andy Comer I admire missionaries. The sacrifice they make to carry the gospel to the remotest parts of the earth is wonderful. Though when you talk with them, they don’t call it a sacrifice; they call it a privilege. Missionaries honestly believe the …
My Journey to Georgetown – Kara Scott
Hello! My name is Kara Scott, I’m 23 years old, and I am super excited to announce that I will be moving to Georgetown, Texas this year! My journey to Georgetown began a year ago. I was gearing up to go on a mission trip …