Where's the peace?

So, Where’s The Peace?

You know, there’s always been a Christmas song that I never really got. Sure, I understand the meaning through the lyrics, but thinking about the song in the context of the Nativity makes it seem silly. Hear me out:  Imagine you’re Mary.  Not only have …

10 Ways Christians should behave

10 Ways Christians Should Behave Through the Election.

It’s a presidential election year. (Thought I’d remind you in case you’ve been living on an isolated island without internet connection.) Presidential elections have a tendency to ignite the passions, stir up debates, and pit one side against the other. Elections produce a winner and …

make an impact

3 Steps to Make the Greatest Impact

Do you want to make an impact? Do you want to make a difference? I’m going to assume you’d answer those questions with a resounding, “Yes.” Well, good! But how do you do that? How does a person truly make a difference in the world? …

What can God do with a little dirt?

What can God do with a little dirt?

This past Spring our family tested our green thumb to see if we could grow a garden. We kept it simple. Our crop yield was not enormous. To be specific, during one of our summer dinners we split an okra we had grown. Yes, you …

What really happen in Acts 8?

What really happened in Acts 8?

Last Sunday, I taught a message from Acts 8 about the personal testimony of a man named Simon. He was a spiritual person by all accounts, but he was missing something very important–the gospel! After believing in the gospel message presented by Phillip, many people …

how to discover spiritual gift

How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift

Does it really matter if you know how to discover your spiritual gift? YES! Here’s what Paul wrote to the church in Corinth. “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be unaware.” (1 Corinthians 12:1) Paul’s intention was not …

Don’t Live Distracted (Part 1)

Distraction – “that which divides the attention.” It’s my firm conviction that we are living more and more distracted. Our attention is divided between countless diversions and interruptions. Hang on just a second while I check this email….Okay, I’m back! Think about your average day. …

Everyone Has a Religion – Here’s Your Proof

Everyone has a religion. Everyone worships something. Everyone lives by faith.  And by everyone, I mean…everyone.  Pay close attention, and you can see a person’s religion and object of worship simply by listening to the words they say. Faith statements aren’t just made in church …

It’s Not Enough to Hear

Imagine this: you’re sitting on a sloping hillside alongside a few dozen other people. There’s a gentle breeze blowing and the mood is anticipatory because you’re getting ready to hear from Jesus–not simply the words of Jesus, but from Jesus Himself. You listen intently for …